Friday, January 4, 2013

A little of everything.

So today I got paid. And as fast as I got paid it was gone again from bills. Ugh I hate being broke and alone. When I'm alone I tend to eat more then I should or I shop with money I don't have ( and I wonder why I'm broke ). I also found out today that I may not be able to continue living in my apartment much longer due to my job situation. I'm really excited for my move back home but its hard to know when that's gonna happen. Maybe sooner than later and getting all the moving stuff together and moved is time consuming and takes money. *sighs*. Such is life.

I just can't seem to keep myself on a steady eating habit. I eat bigger portions than I'm supposed to or I eat just enough and I feel full but then up force myself to eat more come meal time or snack time. Then by the end of the night I'm blown up like a balloon and feel like I can't eat anymore. I can't sleep on a full stomach. I'm just hoping all this bloating is from my hormones because I start next week. *crosses fingers*. Lets hope that's all it is.

Okay so I'm gonna put myself back on track tomorrow and just drink lots of water and eat light so hopefully my body can digest all this food from the pass three days. Oh and ill do as much walking as I can.

Wish me luck...

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