Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!! First post of 2013

So it's finally here, the New Year and I'm excited to start up blogging again and getting myself back together. 2012 was a roller coaster of a year and I'm ready to put it in the past and move on.

This year I'm planning to stick with my resolution as much as possible and not let things get the best of me. I'm going to get up with a smile everyday and take better care of myself and well being.

I have such big plans for this year and I'm excited to get started. I'm planning a big move across country to my family in Florida by September or October, maybe sooner if we're lucky. And hopefully get to go back to school to pursue my passion in Photography. Maybe ill even start up a YouTube channel seeing as I love makeup and skincare and most of all cooking and baking. That would be fun. Once I've become un-camera shy that is.

I'm also looking forward to starting clean and fresh with everything and maybe one day ill find my Prince Charming and live happily ever after. For now I leave off on that note; until tomorrow my friends.